Tuesday, April 21, 2009


The Universe is yours to discover

Abbreviation for Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
See also tdot.
Lucky Dragon has the best General Tso's Chicken in TO.

Gay abbreviation of "too"
You know what, I do that to!!

ESPN/Radio host Jim Rome's nickname for Football star Terrell Owens. Usually known by most as T.O., Rome simply calls him "to."
When To isn't running his mouth, he's actually a quite tolerable player.

Hand over eyes/slapping forehead. Oh, the 'o' is an open mouth, obviously.
i_love_someoneorother98: Went to the school dance last night, and there were, like, three songs the DJ promised to play, then didn't. to
me: to
me: that sucks. D=

1) Terrible Overdose
2) To overdose on prescription medication and then amadently deny it.

He had TO last night but said it wasn an accident

Wanna be askin' for too much dough. Also, someone who thinks they are better than they really are.
That guy's just a TO, looking for more money than he's worth. I bet he'll be replaced by a rookie like Reggie Brown this year.


in the direction of ; towards : I walked to the office. ◆ It fell to the ground. ◆ It was on the way to the station. ◆ He's going to Paris. ◆ my first visit to Africa ◆ He pointed to something on the opposite bank. ◆ Her childhood was spent travelling from place to place.
Andy Dufresne: I had to come to prison to be a crook.

as far as : The meadows lead down to the river. ◆ Her hair fell to her waist.
Warden Samuel Norton: You think he'd just fall to his knees and cry: "Yes, I did it, I confess!
Red : I have no idea to this day what those two Italian ladies were singing about.

reaching a particular state: The vegetables were cooked to perfection. ◆ He tore the letter to pieces. ◆ She sang the baby to sleep. ◆ The letter reduced her to tears (= made her cry). ◆ His expression changed from amazement to joy.
Red : a bar of soap, and an old rock hammer, damn near worn down to the nub.
Red : Most new fish come close to madness the first night.
Andy Dufresne:I guess it comes down to a simple choice, really. Get busy livin' or get busy dyin'.

to that receives sth: He gave it to his sister. ◆ I'll explain to you where everything goes. ◆ I am deeply grateful to my parents. ◆ Who did she address the letter to? ◆ (formal) To whom did she address the letter?
Warden Samuel Norton: Don't you *ever* mention money to me again, you sorry SON OF A BITCH!

to that is affected by an action: She is devoted to her family. ◆ What have you done to your hair?
Red: I don't think you ought to be doing this to yourself, Andy.

a relationship between one person or thing and another: She's married to an Italian. ◆ the Japanese ambassador to France ◆ the key to the door ◆ the solution to this problem
Boggs: Hey, we all need friends in here. I could be a friend to you.

opinion or feeling : It sounded like crying to me.
Red: I know what *you* think it means, sonny. To me it's just a made up word. A politician's word, so young fellas like yourself can wear a suit and a tie, and have a job.

infinitive marker
purpose or intention: I set out to buy food. ◆ I am going to tell you a story. ◆ She was determined to do well. ◆ His aim was to become president. ◆ To be honest with you, I don't remember what he said.
1967 Parole Hearings Man: Well, it means that you're ready to rejoin society...
Red : Forty years I been asking permission to piss.
Andy Dufresne: but I also built that library and used it to help a dozen guys get their high school diploma.Why do you think the warden lets me do all that?
Red: To keep you happy and doing the laundry. Money instead of sheets.
Boggs: Hey... Hard to get. I like that...
Andy Dufresne: I could use a good man to help me get my project on wheels.

result: She managed to escape. ◆ It was too hot to go out. ◆ He couldn't get close enough to see.
Red : Nothing left but all the time in the world to think about it.
Andy Dufresne: I had to come to prison to be a crook.

cause: I'm sorry to hear that.
Red:It was outdoor detail - and May is one damn fine month to be working outdoors.

want or are advised to: I'd love to go to France this summer. ◆ The leaflet explains how to apply for a place. ◆ I don't know what to say.
Andy Dufresne: That's where I want to live the rest of my life.
Red : The man likes to play chess; let's get him some rocks.
Andy Dufresne: I read it. You know how to read, you ignorant fuck?

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