Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Find A Park In IN

to achieve success with a woman/man friend
"in" refers to getting into her/his pants to perform the sexual arts
Shes fine,i gotta get my in's
dayam, i wanna get in there

relating to persons, places, and things that are declared fashonable and acceptable at the time.
synonyms: hip, fab, currentcurrently cool, cool, rad, new, happening, etc.
antonyms: out, lame, old old-school, "not cool," ugly not happening, dumb.
1.If Ghandi was alive he'd think a minimalistic garment from a fashion store would be "in."
2. Apparently, Jesus is saying that long hair is "in" right now.

To post in a thread before it is locked by a forum moderator. Usually in resposne to a post of a questionable nature.
Intarnet d00d1 -
Intarnet d00d2 - IN
*Intarnet m0d locks thread*

1. To be confirmed
2. To know something that not everybody knows.
1. It's in. Meet me at three.
2 "You're in on this now. Don't tell anyone"

1. n. Any trivial means of effectively starting a conversation with an attractive female.
2. n. An inside connection, especially regarding employment.
1. "So it turns out she's from near my hometown. It's not the best in, but it's better than nothing. . ."
2. "My old boss is now in Lucent's upper management so I've got an in there."

at a point within an area or a space: a country in Africa ◆ The kids were playing in the street. ◆ It's in that drawer. ◆ I read about it in the paper.
Warden Samuel Norton : Do you enjoy working in the laundry?
Ellis Boyd 'Red' Redding : and for the briefest of moments, every last man in Shawshank felt free.
Ellis Boyd 'Red' Redding : I can barely sit still or hold a thought in my head.
Andy: I had Mr. Mozart to keep me company...[He points and taps his head] It was in here. [And he gestures over his heart] And in here.
Ellis Boyd 'Red' Redding :Mexico is way the hell down there and you're in here, and that's the way it is.

within the shape of ; surrounded by : She was lying in bed. ◆ sitting in an armchair ◆ Leave the key in the lock. ◆ Soak it in cold water.
Ellis Boyd 'Red' Redding : those voices soared higher and farther than anybody in a grey place dares to dream.

into : He dipped his brush in the paint. ◆ She got in her car and drove off.
Ellis Boyd 'Red' Redding : and when they put you in that cell, when those bars slam home, that's when you know it's for real.

forming the whole or part of ; contained within: There are 31 days in May. ◆ all the paintings in the collection ◆ I recognize his father in him (= his character is similar to his father's.
Ellis Boyd 'Red' Redding :Nothing left but all the time in the world to think about it.
Andy: ..that there are places in the world that aren't made out of stone,

during a period of time: in 2005 ◆ in the 18th century ◆ in spring / summer / autumn / winter ◆ in the fall ◆ in March ◆ in the morning / afternoon / evening ◆ I'm getting forgetful in my old age.
Ellis Boyd 'Red' Redding :I hope the Pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams.

a state or condition: I'm in love! ◆ The house is in good repair. ◆ I must put my affairs in order. ◆ a man in his thirties ◆ The daffodils were in full bloom.
Brooks : The world went and got itself in a big damn hurry.

the language, material, etc. used: Say it in English. ◆ She wrote in pencil. ◆ Put it in writing. ◆ I paid in cash. ◆ He spoke in a loud voice.
Ellis Boyd 'Red' Redding : it can't be expressed in words,

while doing sth; while sth is happening: In attempting to save the child from drowning, she nearly lost her own life. ◆ In all the commotion I forgot to tell him the news.
Ellis Boyd 'Red' Redding : Old life blown away in the blink of an eye.

contained within an object, an area or a substance: We were locked in. ◆ I can't drink coffee with milk in.
Red: [chuckling] You're gonna fit right in. Everybody in (here) is innocent.

into an object, an area or a substance: She opened the door and went in. ◆ The kids were playing by the river and one of them fell in.
Ellis Boyd 'Red' Redding :They march you in naked as the day you were born,

(of people) at home or at a place of work: Nobody was in when we called.
Antonym: OUT
Red: [chuckling] You're gonna fit right in. Everybody in (here) is innocent. Didn't you know that? [to Heywood] Hey Heywood, what you in for?

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