Friday, April 24, 2009


Make Food Not War,
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verb (made, made )
~ sth (from / (out) of sth)
~ sth into sth
~ sth (for sb)
~ sb sth to create or prepare sth by combining materials or putting parts together: [VN] to make a table / dress / cake ◆ to make bread / cement / paper ◆ She makes her own clothes. ◆ Wine is made from grapes. ◆ The grapes are made into wine. ◆ What's your shirt made of? ◆ made in France (= on a label) ◆ [VN, VNN] She made coffee for us all. ◆ She made us all coffee. DO
[VN] to write, create or prepare sth: These regulations were made to protect children. ◆ My lawyer has been urging me to make a will. ◆ She has made (= directed or acted in) several movies.
a bed
[VN] to arrange a bed so that it is neat and ready for use
cause to appear / happen / become / do
[VN] to cause sth to appear as a result of breaking, tearing, hitting or removing material: The stone made a dent in the roof of the car. ◆ The holes in the cloth were made by moths.
[VN] to cause sth to exist, happen or be done: to make a noise / mess / fuss ◆ She tried to make a good impression on the interviewer. ◆ I keep making the same mistakes.
[VN-ADJ] to cause sb/sth to be or become sth: The news made him very happy. ◆ She made her objections clear. ◆ He made it clear that he objected. ◆ The full story was never made public. ◆ Can you make yourself understood in Russian? ◆ She couldn't make herself heard above the noise of the traffic. ◆ The terrorists made it known that tourists would be targeted.
[VN inf] to cause sb/sth to do sth: She always makes me laugh. ◆ This dress makes me look fat. ◆ What makes you say that (= why do you think so)? ◆ Nothing will make me change my mind.
~ sth of sb/sth
~ sth sth to cause sb/sth to be or become sth: [VN] This isn't very important-I don't want to make an issue of it. ◆ Don't make a habit of it. ◆ You've made a terrible mess of this job. ◆ It's important to try and make something of (= achieve sth in) your life. ◆ We'll make a tennis player of you yet. ◆ [VN-N] I made painting the house my project for the summer. ◆ She made it her business to find out who was responsible.
a decision / guess / comment, etc.
[VN] ~ a decision, guess, comment, etc. to decide, guess, etc. sth: Come on! It's time we made a start.
Help Note: Make can be used in this way with a number of different nouns. These expressions are included at the entry for each noun.
to force sb to do sth: [VN inf] They made me repeat the whole story. ◆ [VN to inf] She must be made to comply with the rules.
Help Note: This pattern is only used in the passive. [VN] He never cleans his room and his mother never tries to make him.
to represent sb/sth as being or doing sth: [VN-ADJ] You've made my nose too big (for example in a drawing). ◆ [VN-N] He makes King Lear a truly tragic figure.
[VN-N] to elect or choose sb as sth: She made him her assistant.
be suitable
linking verb [V-N] to become or develop into sth; to be suitable for sth: She would have made an excellent teacher. ◆ This room would make a nice office.
linking verb [V-N] to add up to or equal sth: and 7 make 12. ◆ A hundred cents make one euro.
linking verb [V-N] to be a total of sth: That makes the third time he's failed his driving test!
[VN] to earn or gain money: She makes $100 000 a year. ◆ to make a profit / loss ◆ We need to think of ways to make money. ◆ He made a fortune on the stock market. ◆ He makes a living as a stand-up comic.
[VN-N] [no passive] to think or calculate sth to be sth: What time do you make it? ◆ I make that exactly $50.
[VN] [no passive] to manage to reach or go to a place or position: Do you think we'll make Dover by 12? ◆ I'm sorry I couldn't make your party last night. ◆ He'll never make (= get a place in) the team. ◆ The story made (= appeared on) the front pages of the national newspapers. ◆ We just managed to make the deadline (= to finish sth in time).
sth successful
[VN] to cause sth to be a success: Good wine can make a meal. ◆ The news really made my day.
Idioms: Most idioms containing make are at the entries for the nouns and adjectives in the idioms, for example make merry is at merry.
make as if to do sth (written) to make a movement that makes it seem as if you are just going to do sth: He made as if to speak.
make do (with sth) to manage with sth that is not really satisfactory: We were in a hurry so we had to make do with a quick snack.
make good to become rich and successful
make sth good
to pay for, replace or repair sth that has been lost or damaged: She promised to make good the damage.
to carry out a promise, threat, etc.
Synonym: FULFIL
make it
to be successful in your career: He never really made it as an actor.
to succeed in reaching a place in time, especially when this is difficult: The flight leaves in twenty minutes-we'll never make it.
to be able to be present at a place: I'm sorry I won't be able to make it (for example, to a party) on Saturday.
to survive after a serious illness or accident; to deal successfully with a difficult experience: The doctors think he's going to make it. ◆ I don't know how I made it through the week.
make it with sb (AmE, slang) to have sex with sb
make like ... (AmE, informal) to pretend to be, know or have sth in order to impress people: He makes like he's the greatest actor of all time.
make the most of sth/sb / yourself to gain as much advantage, enjoyment, etc. as you can from sb/sth: It's my first trip abroad so I'm going to make the most of it. ◆ She doesn't know how to make the most of herself (= make herself appear in the best possible way).
make much of sth/sb (written) to treat sth/sb as very important: He always makes much of his humble origins.
make or break sth to be the thing that makes sb/sth either a success or a failure: This movie will make or break him as a director. ◆ It's make-or-break time for the company.
make something of yourself to be successful in your life
Phrasal Verbs: make for sth
to move towards sth
to help to make sth possible: Constant arguing doesn't make for a happy marriage.
See also be made for sb / each other at MADE
make sb/sth into sb/sth to change sb/sth into sb/sth: We're making our attic into an extra bedroom.
make sth of sb/sth to understand the meaning or character of sb/sth: What do you make of it all? ◆ I can't make anything of this note. ◆ I don't know what to make of (= think of) the new manager.
make off to hurry away, especially in order to escape
make off with sth to steal sth and hurry away with it
make out (informal)
used to ask if sb managed well or was successful in a particular situation: How did he make out while his wife was away?
(AmE) ~ (with sb) to kiss and touch sb in a sexual way; to have sex with sb
make sb out to understand sb's character
make sb/sth<->out
to manage to see sb/sth or read or hear sth: I could just make out a figure in the darkness. ◆ [+ wh-] I could hear voices but I couldn't make out what they were saying.
to say that sth is true when it may not be
Synonym: CLAIM
She's not as rich as people make out. ◆ [+ that] He made out that he had been robbed. ◆ [+ to inf] She makes herself out to be smarter than she really is.
make sth<->out
to write out or complete a form or document: He made out a cheque for £100. ◆ The doctor made out a prescription for me. ◆ Applications must be made out in triplicate.
(used in negative sentences and questions) to understand sth; to see the reasons for sth: How do you make that out (= what are your reasons for thinking that)? ◆ [+ wh-] I can't make out what she wants.
make sth<->over (to sb/sth)
to legally give sth to sb: He made over the property to his eldest son.
to change sth in order to make it look different or use it for a different purpose; to give sb a different appearance by changing their clothes, hair, etc.
related noun MAKEOVER
make towards sth to start moving towards sth: He made towards the door.
make up
make yourself / sb<->up to put powder, LIPSTICK, etc. on your/sb's face to make it more attractive or to prepare for an appearance in the theatre, on television, etc.
related noun MAKE-UP (1)
make sth<->up
to form sth
Women make up 56% of the student numbers.
related noun MAKE-UP COMPRISE
to put sth together from several different things
related noun MAKE-UP
to invent a story, etc., especially in order to deceive or entertain sb: He made up some excuse about his daughter being sick. ◆ I told the kids a story, making it up as I went along. ◆ You made that up!
to complete a number or an amount required: We need one more person to make up a team.
to replace sth that has been lost; to COMPENSATE for sth: Can I leave early this afternoon and make up the time tomorrow?
to prepare a medicine by mixing different things together
to prepare a bed for use; to create a temporary bed: We made up the bed in the spare room. ◆ They made up a bed for me on the sofa.
make up for sth to do sth that corrects a bad situation: Nothing can make up for the loss of a child. ◆ After all the delays, we were anxious to make up for lost time. ◆ Her enthusiasm makes up for her lack of experience. ◆ A warm and sunny September made up for a miserable wet August.
make up (to sb) for sth to to do sth for sb or give them sth because you have caused them trouble, suffering or disappointment and wish to show that you are sorry
How can I make up for the way I've treated you? ◆ (informal) I'll make it up to you, I promise.
make up to sb (BrE, informal, disapproving) to be pleasant to sb, praise them, etc. especially in order to get an advantage for yourself
make up (with sb) (BrE also make it up) to end a quarrel with sb and become friends again: Why don't you two kiss and make up? ◆ Has he made it up with her yet? ◆ Have they made it up yet?
~ (of sth) the name or type of a machine, piece of equipment, etc. that is made by a particular company: What make of car does he drive? ◆ There are so many different makes to choose from. ◆ a Swiss make of watch
Idioms: on the make (informal, disapproving) trying to get money or an advantage for yourself

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